When the last section of the colon, namely the rectum is weakened or affected, the bowel movement or faecal holding ability is lost and instigate an urge to pass stools without control. Trouble in managing or controlling faecal movement that leads to faecal leak during cough or passing fart gas are foremost symptoms of faecal incontinence. It ranges from occasional faecal leakage to complete loss of bowel control.

Urge incontinence is a condition when the person is unable to control the urge to defecate. Nowadays, Women are more at risk than men in India and faecal incontinence is likely to be associated with aging.

The pelvic floor muscles supports the genitourinary and anal passage structures. The nerves and the muscles of pelvic floor work in coordination to hold the bowels. Many factors affects the nerve communications that in turn affects the bowel movements. Faecal incontinence caused by damage of spinal nerves supplied to the pelvic floor muscles, rectal sphincter or internal and external anal sphincters lets out involuntary passing of stool.

The Common causes includes,
 Repeated straining in constipation,
 Rectal prolapse,
 Severe diarrhoea,
 Irritable bowel syndrome
 Muscular injury to anal sphincter,
 Anorectal diseases like haemorrhoids,
 Neurological disorders like spinal cord injury
 Obstetric trauma
 Emotional trauma
 Cognitive impairment

An examination of the anorectal region and perineum is significant to determine the reason and resolving faecal incontinence involves treating the underlying cause. Because chronic constipation or weak pelvic floor muscles are major causes of faecal incontinence, it is possibly a treatable condition. Siddha herbal decoctions, Diet modification, Pelvic floor exercises, Regulating bowel habits, Acupuncture, Quantum Biofeedback techniques, Lifestyle changes and Sphincter strengthening exercise gradually supports to reduce the symptoms. Studies found that acupuncture treatment in appropriate setting has shown to
improve anal sphincter control. Modification of diet is the primary practical approach along with Bowel retaining strategies as conservative treatment in faecal incontinence. External therapies like herbal washes also supports the treatment prognosis. So no more embarrassments or distress on “accidental bowel leakage”, as we help to cope this condition with integrative approach that make the patient feel better and holds everything under control.