Chronic or Severe Gastritis is a common digestive functional disease that affects millions of individuals, which adversely disturbs the Quality of life too. Classical Siddha texts have described the stomach and its (digestive fluids) bioenergy for digestive function is essential for life and this “digestive fire” imbalance is the root of many diseases. The GUT- Brain relationship and the triggered Gastric functional disturbance because of mental stress was deliberated centuries back by Siddhars. The stomach produces gastric acid to digest the food and if the mucus lining breaks off or inflamed, it destroys the protective barrier cells
inside the stomach leading to dysplasia.

The more extensive gastric acid secretion (pH-2) causes inflammatory erosion of mucosal layer that leads to more severe stomach irritation and its complications. Prompt and precise diagnosis of Gastritis can effectively reduce complications and if untreated, it will lead to cancerous changes. Self-medications like
Antacids which gives “Gastric Acid Inhibition” effect, that in turn affect the digestion and again improper digestion produce more toxins resulting in Severe Gastritis. Auto immune disorders sometimes destroys the Gastric mucosal lining that disturbs the absorption of certain vitamins, minerals, micronutrients leading to unexplained weight loss.

People with Chronic Gastritis experience heart burns, nausea, poor appetite, indigestion, belching,
regurgitation, abdominal discomfort and many associated symptoms. Siddha text describe this condition as “GUNMAM”, because of the discomfort and irritating pain known how to be disruptive.

Lifestyle changes is alleged to be the root cause of gastric diseases now a days. Chronic gastritis can be caused by numerous factors
 Emotional Stress and worry
 Overeating of Hot and Spicy foods
 Eating incompatible or unhygienic foods
 Consuming overly processed packed foods
 Excessive intake of coffee (caffeine)
 Frequent Unbalanced Fasting
 Irregular dietary or eating habits
 Inflammation by Bacteria
 Frequent intake of Pain killers
 Alcohol and tobacco consumption
 Excessive production of gastric acid
 Certain Autoimmune disorders

Our primary approach to treat Chronic Gastritis is balancing their digestive system, regulating the digestive enzymes and lifestyle modification. Altering the eating habit enables smoothening of the mucous layer that gradually reduces irritation is well initiated by our integrative treatment. Many herbal medicines have been used globally to treat Gastritis and the treatment varies according to the severity of the disease.

Siddha medicines has proven by scholars, to have the most effective cure for Chronic or Severe Gastritis along with Dietary changes. Relieving Gastritis with Herbominerals that possesses wound healing properties could heal the damaged mucosal lining and maintain itself to support body’s normal functions. The personalised treatment protocol, which is a combination of Medicinal herbs or high-order medications given according to the individual body constitution at specific dosage can reduce inflammation. Elimination of highly processed foods, spicy trigger foods, synthetic food additives, artificial food colours and acid producing allergens is the primary step to restore the Stomach-pH. Dietary Recommendations to take nutrition rich soluble fibre food, high mucilage rich foods to resolve Gastritis and to reinstate gastrointestinal functioning.

Supplementations like Zinc and Flavonoids – the vital components with a key role in numerous biological and functional activities in human body are much suggested. Managing high levels of stress with Quantum Biofeedback, reduces the chances of stress hormones production and strong acid secretions in the stomach. There is suggestive evidence that quantum biofeedback therapy modifies gastric motility, oesophageal sphincter contraction and secretory functions. The core principle of Siddha medicine is that the body has the power to regulate and managing hyperacidity which is the root cause of gastritis and
thus prevent reoccurrence.