Chronic constipation is a prevalent bowel disease characterised by difficulty in passing stool felt by Indians. The prevalence of Chronic Constipation is more in adult females than males. In women, constipation greatly worsens pelvic congestion, pain, abdominal discomfort and cramps in addition. Idiopathic Constipation can affect anyone at any age and is increasing in elementary school students nowadays.

Chronic constipation generally start with irregular bowel habits, followed by difficulty in bowel movements, painfulness to pass stools, failed or prolonged struggle to pass a stool, sense of incomplete
stool evacuation, faecal stagnation, excessive straining to push hard stools and less than 3 bowel movements per week. If digestive system is working optimally, an individual should pass stool once or twice in a day.

The defecation process is conditioned, People repeatedly suppresses the urge to defecate, and they may develop constipation. Constipation is somewhat common in pregnant women at the same time pain on defecation can worsen constipation. Researches shows that defecation disorder-constipation is habitually
uncomfortable and associated with many disease including haemorrhoids, bowel obstruction, etc.

Too much water absorption in rectum or sluggish peristaltic muscle contractions in the colon leads to dry stools eventually results in constipation. Some of the most common factors that can contribute to chronic constipation are:
 Lack of water intake or prolonged dehydration
 Lack of fibre intake in food
 Disruption of regular routine
 Reduced usage of Ghee
 Food sensitivities or food intolerance
 Allopathic medication side effects
 Imbalanced GUT flora in intestines
 Sluggish liver
 Insufficient digestive enzymes
 Hormone variances affecting digestion
 Pelvic floor dysfunction
 Improper toilet position
 Obstructed defecation-Crohn’s disease
 Lack of physical exercise
 Long term Stress and depression
 Sedentary life style
 Elderly age factor

Having healthy digestion and eliminating waste every day is critical to your overall health. Toxins in the GUT and Dysbiosis can inhibit the colon to function properly. The first and easiest and healthiest way to conquer constipation is Vireychanam therapy. Initially, digital rectal examination, proctoscopy and routine biochemistry are taken to rule out the underlying causes. An integrative approach with the combination of Herbals, Acupressure and Acupuncture are advantageous in treating severe Constipation.

Though fibre foods and bulking agents are recommended for many decades by many physicians in many countries, but we focus on the necessity to transform the GUT for better functioning. Drinking fresh
vegetable juice helps in bowel movements and eating Guavas, Raisins, Figs, Papaya, and Carrot regularly will help to enhance peristalsis function. Adequate fluids and probiotics are supportive measures to overcome suborn constipation caused by large intestine dryness.

Delayed defecation and constipation are at times dietary origin and can be fixed by adding bulking agents to the diet. Enteric or intrinsic nerves are responsible for colonic motility and hence Constipation caused by autonomic nerve damage at elderly age could take more time to cure. It is a tradition in Tamilnadu, to drink pure Castor oil, twice in a month to stimulate peristalsis and possibly improve the bowel movement. Entangled with past or old thinking is also considered to be psychosomatic causative factor for constipation in many people.

Quantum biofeedback therapy supports the mind to release the entanglement and provide promising results. Therapeutic Yogasanams suitable for each individual is taught to practice at their home on daily basis to overcome constipation progressively.