B.S.M.S., M.D. (acu), C.Pk.T., C.Acu. (CHINA), D.Acu., M.Sc. (Yoga & Naturopathy), PG.D.V.T., M.Sc. (Varmam & Thokkanam), D.Saiva., C.M.C.C.(TNAU), Dip.Tirumantiram (IITS), Dip.Tamil Arutsunaignar (SRM), M.A.(Tamizh), M.Phil(Yoga), Ph.D., PG.D.M.D.P., A.I.E.D.P., M.Diploma in Traninig(IATD).,
Belongs to the Traditional Siddha Family and Graduated in Siddha Medicine at GOVERNMENT SIDDHA MEDICAL COLLEGE, Chennai affiliated to TAMILNADU Dr.M.G.R. MEDICAL UNIVERSITY. Since 2002 he worked on Siddha sasthriya medicine and prepared more than 160 high-order formulations. Started Comprehensive Family Medicine practice since 2006 at Agathiyar Hospital, dedicated for Siddha, Varmam, Acupuncture and Yoga Therapy.
Also the first Siddha doctor, flew to Shanghai to get trained in Classical Chinese Acupuncture, Electro
acupuncture, Moxibustion techniques and Tuina-Chinese massage at SHANGHAI UNIVERSITY OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE, (WHO accredited training center) China as per its guidelines designed for International doctors.. The concept of integrative line of treatment by incorporating Quantum siddha with Acupuncture and Yoga therapy were take on for better prognosis and quicker recovery from illness. Utilizes Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion in a unique way, signifying that it balances the yin and yang of the body. As a revolution in the field of healing and to create autism awareness, had made the first World Record in Varmam therapy in Wonder Book of Records in 2017.
He had qualified in PANCHAKARMA & SPECIAL VARMA techniques. Also completed Master degree in
Varmam & Thokkanam at TAMILNADU PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS UNIVERSITY, Chennai. Furthermore trained in YOGA and completed Post-graduation in Yoga and Naturopathy at MANONMANIAM SUNDARANAR UNIVERSITY, M.Phil. at TNPESU and Ph.D. from VELS UNIVERSITY. He is the founder of world’s first QUANTUM SIDDHA THERAPY which utilize Biofeedback resonance to heal diseases.
Personal Health Evaluation by Dr.M.P.AGATHIYAR takes about 20 minutes to assess health requirements and provide advice on a range of things to improve health and avoid future problems. We emphasizes that medical treatment is oriented not merely to the disease but has to take into account the patient, his environment, age, gender, habits, habitat, diet, appetite, physical condition, body constitution, etc. Together, the patient and doctor discuss and choose the best possible course of treatment for effective cure, providing a relaxed friendly atmosphere. Prime factors that help to diagnose diseases are
Examination of tongue (NAA)
Examination of the Color (NIRAM)
Examination of the speech (MOZHI)
Examination of eyes (VIZHI)
Examination of skin-tactile functions (SPARISAM)
Examination of the faeces (MALAM)
Examination of the Urine (MOOTHIRAM)
Examination of the Pulse (NADI)
This means the treatment has to be individualistic, which ensures accuracy in diagnosis and treatment. Each patient by studying the naadi or pulse, on an empty stomach, the diagnosis and a regular case record is prepared.
Pulse Recording: This science of pulse is peculiar to Siddha system of medicine. Guru taught traditionally this science of pulse to disciples. Diagnosis of the disease by means of the pulse requires great skill and experience. The science of pulse is based on three life factors viz. Vatham, Pitham and Kapham. According to Siddhars, Pulse is the manifestation of Prana sakthi (vital energy) in living being as Prana is the cosmic energy responsible for the evolution and involution of the Universe.