Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), characterized by altered bowel habits with an unusual form and frequency of stool, due to hypersensitivity of GUT. In IBS, the severity of symptoms varies from mild abdominal discomfort to severe clinical challenges, having high prevalence among Indian population. IBS is a modified gastrointestinal barrier ruins health related quality of life, perhaps even increasing the risk behavioural state. In IBS, emotions, feelings, stress and anxiety triggered by unresolved memories also influences gastrointestinal functions.

Major symptoms include derangements in bowel habits like constipation or diarrhoea (loose stools) or mixed pattern, associated with foul smelling, sensation of burning or pain, etc.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is termed as bowel functional disorder, as the intestines are incapable of nutrient absorption and altered bowel habits. Supressing natural urges and eating junk food, excessive consumption of heavy, spicy and oily foods can disturb the intestinal environment. The role of GUT micro biome diversity and microbiota instability or dysbiosis overlooked as major contributor to IBS development by modern scientists as well as Siddhars.

Metabolites produced by the GUT micro biome, including serotonin play a significant role in regulating the gut-micro biome–brain axis. Intestinal infections, food intolerance, drug abuse, genetic factors disturbs the micro biome in the intestines. Irritable Bowel Syndrome caused due to destabilized Agni (digestive fire), dosha imbalance (metabolic factors) and derangements of various biochemical systems in the body as explained in Siddha texts.

Uniqueness of Treatment
Modern medicines offer instant relief, but are tend to develop varied adverse reactions and in many cases no permanent cure is possible. Integrative treatment varies according with body constitution of patients as we treat the root cause rather than treating symptoms. Siddha Therapeutics improves intestinal micro environment and clinical outcomes in IBS patients. Herbal cleansing is necessary to reconstruct the GUT micro biome and restore colon movements. Acupuncture provides relief from recurrent abdominal discomfort, heaviness, reduction of inflammation and bowel habit changes are possible within a short period of treatment course. Moreover, dietary interventions are predominantly essential for treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Primary strategies for treating IBS are evading oily foods, eliminating spicy foods and to correct irregular eating habits. Consuming Probiotics and dietary fibres are effective in treating functional gastrointestinal disorders like IBS.