Diabetes mellitus is characterized by high blood sugar levels and varied insulin resistance due to disruption of biochemical process in the body and hence it is defines as metabolic disorder. As per health reports, there are nearly 77 million diabetics in India and middle aged citizens in urban settings are prone to Diabetes mellitus.
Causes: In India, the prevalence of Diabetes mellitus is going up because of increased junk food intake, overweight or obesity, gut dysfunction, sleep disturbance, stress and sedentary lifestyle in all age groups. Wrong Food intake or erratic eating is also the underlying cause for type 2 Diabetes mellitus for any age group today. Emotional Stress, Depression, Worry, Prolonged Sorrow, Anxiety –feeling of fear also plays a role in developing Diabetes, concluded by Engum (2007) and Knol et.al (2006). Excessive overtime work, Job strain, Work stress, night shifts, tensed working environment are associated with mediating Diabetes
Our country will no more be called as global diabetic capital as if we can reverse Diabetes mellitus through integrated approach. The Reversal of Diabetes is also reported in many western countries and to achieve remission of diabetes is possible now in India. Modern Medicine focusses on control of glucose level in the blood stream for the day, without addressing the root cause. Siddha (science-based) medicines now supported by proven clinical results and dedication to well-being with a multitude of success stories, for decades. Integrative therapy helps in remission of Diabetes mellitus, by periodically tapering anti-diabetic medications to stage of normalized blood glucose level.
Uniqueness of our Treatment
Siddha Medicine is an individualized medicine and Holistic Diabetes Reversal is a personalized medicine with everyday life adaptations, resulting in better outcomes. With our holistic approach, every single patient will be accessed and advised with herbal supplements, yogic practice, acupuncture, lifestyle intervention based on the health requirements. Diabetes patients within a shorter duration are most likely to reduce their dependence on medication and reverse to optimal or normal functioning. People using synthetic insulin shots is not suitable for reversing diabetes and achieving a stage without medications, but still Herbals can support their health.
Convenience food is full of refined Maida (carbs), high starch, industrial sugars, refined oils, low fibre, chemical preservatives, artificial colours are responsible for causing any type of metabolic disorders. Western Diabetes Association’s dietary guidelines for the type 2 diabetes patients, to consume low calorie diets randomly are not working now in many patients, as it does not focus on traditional foods of every ethnicity. Siddhar philosophy insisted “Unave Marunthu (Food as Medicine) – Marunthe Unavu (Medicine as Food)” over centuries in this society. With a primary focus on Diet modifications by highly personalised traditional food recommendations for treating the various stages of metabolic diseases. Our integrated therapy programme aims to achieve reversal of diabetes mellitus by reduction blood sugar levels as well as other clinical symptoms with short duration, and also prevents further disease progression to promote wellness. It is important for those who have achieved remission to Diabetes have to follow regular check-ups despite of controlled sugar levels.