Acupuncture involves piercing the skin with very thin needles at specific points in a meridian to correct an imbalance of the energetic pathways relating to the organs, muscles and nerves of the human body. Acupuncture is approved as good alternative natural therapy that replaces most of the pharmacological intervention. Acupuncture has been proven by clinical use for thousands of years and it is a preferred treatment for many types of illness.
The World Health Organization recognizes the use of acupuncture in a wide range of medical problems. The successful curative measures as increased the important of acupuncture in order to treat most of chronic diseases. Viewing the body as an integrated whole is the essence of Chinese medical theory. The Zang Fu internal organs theory represents this intricate web of integrating all aspects of the human and its surroundings. There are 12 + 8 = 20 meridians in total in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) -Acupuncture and Moxibustion.
The meridians connect the interior of the body with the exterior.There are 309 acu-points totally on the 12 Primary Hand-Foot Meridians. Most acupuncture points relate to the meridians, each acupuncture point has a defined therapeutic action. Those points are chosen according to Traditional Chinese Medicine which will promote natural healing of the body and improve its functioning.
We use Chinese Acupuncture in a novel way to balance the yin and yang of the body. We have adopted a general balance of all the channels, created by treating all 12 acupuncture channels, but alternating yin and yang channels by limb. This approach enhances the immune system, restores vitality, and promotes healing throughout the body. Patients feel the benefits immediately. Generally, patients feel the benefit sometime over the next 24 hours, as enhanced vitality relaxing, providing an overall sense of well-being.
When done by a trained professional, acupuncture is safe and completely natural practice.
The needles used for acupuncture are very fine indeed, with a diameter as small as 0.2mm- almost like a hair. Fine imported needles are allowed to insert the body at particular points so as to redirect the energy flow. The needles are sterilized and single use, almost no pain as they pass through the skin and the sensation may resemble a mosquito bite. The needle may be applied with an electronic or heat source to further stimulate the points.