Arthritis is an INFLAMATORY disease of the joints, with terrible pain, aching, firmness, stiffness, redness and swelling over the affected joints. Mostly, the different category of arthritis follows different causes. The worst condition of a patient suffering is agonizing pain and definite loss of mobility in the joints. We provide integrative approach to uproot the deadly symptoms of arthritis. Unlike other therapies, the Siddhars have evolved a unique approach in which they do not treat a particular disease. Instead, we treat the complete body as a whole by working on the basic humors that maintains the healthy status of the body.
Primarily the patient is analyzed and based on the symptoms, Herbal oils, High order medications, Acupuncture, Moxibustion, mild exercises, varmam, acupressure, balanced arthritic diet plan and a tension free lifestyle are provided to cleanse and energize the body. ACUMOXA PAIN RELIEF treatment is a powerful pain relief even for chronic inflamed joints.
Acupuncture has been used for arthritis pain relief in traditional Chinese medicine for many thousands of years and now many other medical specialists apply acupuncture’s benefits. Acupuncture points used for arthritis pain relief are also be stimulated with heating a Chinese herb on the end of the needle called Moxibustion. Manual pressure (acupressure) or VARMAM treatment also is useful when combined with standard medical care. Varmam stimulation causes biologic responses in the muscles, spinal cord and brain that releases the body’s natural pain- killing endorphins, and also as the body’s own natural painkillers and anti-inflammatory agents.
There’s enough research to suggest integrative approach relieves pain, and that it is safe when performed by a trained professionals. Hence arthritis is certainly curable even in chronic stages, but with patience. So well in one research study reveals that 25 percent of patients previously scheduled for knee surgery canceled their plans.
Therefore, along with the arthritis, other diseases are also eliminated, which as a result renders the resistance to all other chronic diseases. In regard to all the varied circumstances and final effects, our therapy is considered to be the best way to free the body from the excruciating experiences that one undergoes with the upheaval of the arthritis pain.
Acupuncture has been used for arthritis pain relief in traditional Chinese medicine for many thousands of years and now many other medical specialists apply acupuncture’s benefits to a variety of diseases. Acupuncture points used for arthritis pain relief may be quite a way distant from the affected joint – usually called as distal points. The acupoints” also be stimulated with local heat and will burn a small amount of a Chinese herb called moxa on the end of the needle called moxibustion.
Therefore, the immunity also rises very strongly. Hence arthritis is easily curable even in chronic stages. If you suffer from joint pain then do consider trying ACUPUNCTURE ARTHRITIS PAIN RELIEF treatment could give pain relief that you have been longing for. In regard to all the varied circumstances and final effects, Siddha is considered to be the best way to free the body from the excruciating experiences that one undergoes with the upheaval of the arthritis pain.